RobMen: Merge recent changes from WiX v3.8. RobMen: Add version to schema namespaces. RobMen: Move extension schema namespaces under "wxs" to align better with Simplified WiX. Update Simplified WiX namespaces to match changes "wxs" namespace. RobMen: Fix bad old references to thmutil.xsd. RobMen: More SxS'ification of folders, registry keys, etc. Fix Votive registration to correctly load in VS. Add Simplified WiX Toolset to RobMen: Update WixCop to help with all namespace changes (including extensions). Update thmutil.xsd namespace to be consistent with other changes. WixBuild: Version RobMen: Introducing Simplified WiX Toolset. RobMen: Rename "Windows Installer Xml Toolset" to "WiX Toolset". Improve support for building WiX Toolset with VS2012. Continue to fix namespace breaking changes. RobMen: Change namespaces to prepare for breaking changes. RobMen: WiX v4.0